From Disconnection to Connection – The Science Behind Emotional Well-Being

The Crisis of Connection In a world dominated by technology, humans face a growing disconnection crisis. Research shows that while artificial intelligence (AI) excels at detecting emotions and providing responses that make people feel heard, this is more about our lack of emotional engagement than AI’s ability. Tapping into our emotional intelligence (EQ) is not […]

Active vs Passive Listening

There’s a saying that goes “We have two ears and one mouth – so that we can listen more than we speak”. And there definitely is a difference between listening and hearing. Has there been a time when you have been speaking to someone and they’ve answered you completely out of context to what you […]

How real is the loneliness in your team?

We all know remote working has had a large impact on our mental health with loneliness being cited as the most common emotion being experienced by entrepreneurs, leaders and employees. This can cause us to withdraw and be less committed, creative, collaborative and attentive, and both the quality and quantity of our work can deteriorate. Loneliness has also […]