Bringing the human into our digital meetings

Digital meetings are very different to meeting in person, we miss the real essence of human connection and can miss many of the subtle cues we would have potentially picked up when being in front of someone such as body language, facial expressions and the energy/vibe of the person. Some people may also struggle with […]
Active vs Passive Listening

There’s a saying that goes “We have two ears and one mouth – so that we can listen more than we speak”. And there definitely is a difference between listening and hearing. Has there been a time when you have been speaking to someone and they’ve answered you completely out of context to what you […]
The importance of building healthy work relationships

Having good relationships at work is not just good for workers, it’s good for companies. The well-established American consulting company, Gallup says that people are seven times more likely to be engaged in their jobs if they have a friend at work. And engaged workers are productive workers. “You don’t build a business – you […]
3 Ways To Have A Courageous Conversation

3 Ways To Have A Courageous Conversation There are times when we need have to have a serious conversation with someone whether it is our partner, a friend or a work colleague. It’s one of those conversations where we need to be open and honest, not only with ourselves but also with the person in […]